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Sea Kayak Touring and Leadership Manual [EBOOK]

Sea Kayak Touring and Leadership Manual [EBOOK]
This ebook aims to be the most complete source of information for sea kayak touring paddlers worldwide to increase knowledge, safety, and enjoyment. It covers day trips to multi-month trips with examples from across the world. This is a reference for all paddlers, from beginners to experts, who tour large bodies of water.

This is the ebook version that is available as a download from the Canadian publisher (SKILS).


Features Managing risk - Developing tools for better group dynamics - Developing leadership - History of sea kayaking - Dressing for sea kayaking - Selecting the right kayak - Packing a kayak - Transporting a kayak - Safety equipment - Trip logistics - Towing - Conservation etiquette - Managing food & water - Setting up tarps - One-way & two-way communication - Interacting with wildlife - Fisnhing from a kayak - And much more...
Personalities JF Marleau, Justine Curgenven, Michael Pardy
Target Sea Kayaking
Subject Technique, Theory
File type EBOOK
Manufacturer country Canada